Dear Lawrence, lf we were to go with your religious/ Biblical angle, then everything in Kenya is immoral and wrong
I disagree with you Walu on multiple levels here. 1. You say ‘Forced down on us by mainly foreign money/masters’.
On 30 April 2018 at 16:17, Ebele Okobi via kictanet wrote: > Is Christianity, brought to Kenya by colonizers, “Kenyan
Hi Mose, Andrew et al, Googling ‘bigotry’…and LGBT-xxx May get back to you, but if I dont, just know I
Oh I agree those may condemn homosexuality – but kenya is not limited to abrahamic religions and the constitution affords
Tracy, First things first, Cambridge Dictionary defines hypocrisy as:- *a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they
+1 Grace, I have to agree – this issue may not be directly ICT related – but strong parallels can
This topic is not adding any value to the ICT fraternity. From: Twahir Hussein Kassim via kictanet Sent: Monday, April
Listers, I think the discussion here is a clear illustration of the Board’s thought process and by extension its poor
Deal all, I don’t want to dwell in religion when it comes to some issues. However, it is important to
Does Kenya have a state religion? On 4/30/18, 12:33 PM, “kictanet on behalf of Lawrence Dinga, CISSP via kictanet” wrote:
Greetings, It was also proclaimed that “It is illegal to watch films that have not been sanctioned by the Kenya