Good points Ali on using available data centers. But how will we make our Billion$$$ as tenderprenuers if we go
Adam, You read my mind! While data interoperability is absolutely crucial in the health sector, there is need to have
According to Business Daily today, it is because of this HCIT project that KNH cancelled their recent IT tender, even
Honestly guys I think this whole conversation is missing the point. Does the country need more Data Centres? I bet
I think any data including health data can be hosted in a cloud. And data interoperability is obviously a positive
Indeed Grace. We must have a bigger conversation beyond this Tenderpreneuring. Regards Ali Hussein +254 0713 601113 Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype:
Ali Aside from the data center hardware issue, you are right that the regulations are indeed very important. There needs