Intermediary liability law in African countries (and the AU)

P.S: adding for the sake of clarity, since I’ve already been asked: the
participation of this group and any significant contributions will be duly
acknowledged in the chapter.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 2:21 PM nicolo zingales <[email protected]>

> Greetings everyone,
> I am new to the channel, so apologies if I have missed any relevant
> discussion on this. I signed up to consult this group on recent
> developments on intermediary liability in Africa.
> As you might know, APC had a few papers in 2012 on intermediary liability
> in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda
> <>. I also wrote for them a report on
> best practices for intermediary liability in 2013
> <>.
> Following from that, I have been recently contacted to write a chapter for
> an upcoming Oxford handbook on intermediary liability, which looks back
> into developments on the subject over the last few years in Africa
> (2012-2018). I want this to be as complete and accurate as possible, but
> the material I have been able to find online regarding new laws and court
> decisions is rather limited. I would therefore be very grateful to any of
> you who took the time to share, *in or off-list*, *notable developments
> in your country relating to liability of intermediaries* (in a broad
> sense: digital platforms, but also ISPs and other types of intermediaries,
> e.g. registrars and domain name operators, or payment companies). I would
> also be curious to hear of *any regulation or policy coordination
> relating to intermediaries in the context of the African Union*, which at
> the time I wrote the 2013 paper appeared to be a suitable forum to develop
> some common principles in this field. Has anything happened on that front?
> Thank you really very much in advance for anything you’re able to
> contribute. I will be glad to share a copy of the chapter, as soon as it’s
> feasible, with anyone who’s interested.
> Best wishes,
> Nicolo

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