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KICTANet’s programmes and projects receive valuable financial support from our funding partners and donor agencies, organisations we do commissioned work with and for, and in-kind contributions from other institutions that believe in KICTANet’s work.


YEAR 2022

  1. The Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Framework Technical Assistance for the Communication Authority of Kenya – Association for Progressive Communication (APC) through United Kingdom’s Digital Access Program (UKAID DAP)
  2. Towards promoting cyber-hygiene awareness among 30,000 excluded and marginalised populations in Kenya. United Kingdom’s Digital Access Program (UKAID DAP)
  3. UNESCO ROAM-X universal internet indicators
  4. Digital Enquerer Kit – GIZ
  5. Elections Observer mission – Access Now
  6. Accessibility and equality – APC
  7. Our Voices our Future – APC
  8. UNESCO ROAM-X universal internet indicators – UNESCO
  9. Kenya IGF – UKAid, CA, Safaricom, Meta, GIZ, CIPESA, Huawei, TESPOK, KENIC,  AFRINIC, IGFSA, Liquid Intelligent Technologies,
  10. Cybernorms – GPD
  11. Advocating for Data Accountability, Protection, and Transparency (ADAPT) – Internews

YEAR 2021

  1. Licensing and shared spectrum framework for Kenya – Association for Progressive Communication (APC) through UKAid
  2. Enhanced digital inclusion, cybersecurity and cyber hygiene awareness through key multiple stakeholder engagement and knowledge exchange in Kenya. United Kingdom’s Digital Access Program (UKAID DAP)
  3. Advocating for Data Accountability, Protection, and Transparency (ADAPT) project – Internews
  4. Scoping Study on Technology and Society in East Africa – Ford Foundation

YEAR 2020

1. Kenya IGF and Kenya School of Internet Governance
    • Facebook
    • Safaricom
    • Communications Authority of Kenya
    • KeNIC
    • Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)
    • Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
2. County ICT Survey 2019-2020 Assessment
    • ICT Authority of Kenya
    • Huawei
    • Communications Authority of Kenya
3. Digital Taxation and Human Rights
    • Internews
4. UNESCO ROAM-X universal internet indicators
    • UNESCO


YEAR 2019

1. Kenya IGF and Kenya School of Internet Governance
    • Communications Authority of Kenya
    • Safaricom
    • Internet Governance Support Association (IGFSA)
    • Facebook
2. Core support: Strengthening KICTANet administration 2019-2021
    • Ford Foundation
3. Connecting the unconnected: Supporting community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives (2019-2021)
    • Association for Progressive Communication (APC)

*Access Now
*Ford Foundation
Global Partners Digital (Cybersecurity capacity building)
World Capital

YEAR 2018

1. Cybersecurity in Kenya project
    • Global Partners Digital
2. Women@Web 2018 – 2019
    • Deutsche Welle (DW)

*Access Now
Inter ICT Collaboration
Ford Foundation
DW women@web
Global Partners Digital (GIFP)

YEAR 2017

1. KICTANet Strategic plan 2016-2019
    • Global Partners Digital

*Access Now
Ford Foundation
Inter ICT Collaboration
Global Partners, GIFP, Cybersecurity

YEAR 2016

1. Kenya IGF 2016
    • IGF Support Association

Ford Foundation
Access Now