Invitation to Webinar: Managing Business Through the COVID Crisis

Thanks Evans for sharing this important information.

Best Regards,

*Martin Mavenjina*

*Program Advisor – Transitional Justice | **KENYA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION*

Opp. Valley Arcade, Gitanga Road, P.O Box 41079, 00100 GPO, Nairobi, Kenya.

Tel. +254 722 264497 Personal Cell: +254704450288

Email: [email protected] | Web: Kenya Human Rights Commission
<> |

Twitter – @martinmavenjina Skype:
<[email protected]>

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 11:49 AM Evans Ikua via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> *Business Continuity Management Sustainment During COVID 19: What You Can
> Do Right Now*
> Business Continuity Management includes strategies for continuing
> operations.
> We are in the sustainment phase of pandemic planning for business. Some of
> those strategies are more creative in times where non-essential personal
> are at home and customers are unable to come to non-essential businesses.
> Non the less, the strategies are implementable staring today.
> Don’t forget Information and Cyber Security. Many are being asked to
> practice social distancing and work from home. The reality of remote
> operations can create greater security risks as teleworking creates a
> variety of new vulnerabilities if you have not preplanned. Knowing about
> them, will help you safely work remotely.
> It is also critical to document your COVID-19 Response. While this is the
> first time your business may be experiencing a situation like this, it is
> not the first Pandemic that other organizations have experienced.
> Michael C. Redmond has helped many organizations document their response
> during pandemic and other events to use in both updating their Business
> Continuity Plan and in creating response plans for future use.
> These included SARS, H1NI Pandemics as well as many other events such as
> 911 and the flood in New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina and many more.
> Companies that did not document their response properly failed to respond
> quickly when the next event affected them.
> What we will cover:
> –
> What does it t means to work remotely.
> –
> What can you keep your business productive considering the current
> environment?
> –
> Remote operations strategies for communicating, maintaining customers
> and even tweaking your normal operations to allow for servicing clients and
> customers remotely.
> –
> Simple solutions can help avoid the pitfalls that can affect
> continuing operations and maintaining security.
> This webinar applies to all organizations.
> About the Speaker
> Michael C. Redmond is a director with EFPR Group. She specializes in Risk
> Management areas.
> *Managing Business Through the COVID Crisis*
> *
> <>*
> —
> *Kind Regards,Evans Ikua,*
> Cell: +254-722-955831
> *—————————————————-*
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