Cybersecurity Capacity-Building Needs in Kenya workshop

Concept Note and Programme.
Friday, 9 December 2022, 0800 – 1400 hours
Venue: The Stanley Hotel, Nairobi.

Please register here for a ticket as the slots are limited.


The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) in partnership with Global Partners Digital (GPD) with the support of the government of the United Kingdom are pleased to host a Roundtable meeting on Cybersecurity Capacity-Building (CCB) Needs in Kenya” which will take place on Friday, 9  December 2022. 

Background and Context

The COVID-19 pandemic induced a rapid adoption of ICTs and led to the digital transformation of several organizations in the country, across various sectors including e-commerce, e-health, e-learning, e-government and entertainment. The rushed adoption of digital systems while it addressed major challenges presented by the pandemic, also presented new cybersecurity threats to users of digital devices. 

According to statistics from the Communications Authority, cyber threats recorded in the country have been on the rise since 2020. As shown in the table below, the country recorded 139.9 million cyber threats in 2020, which increased by 242.2% by the end of 2021. As of September 2022, 450 million cyber threats had been recorded by the Authority in the nine-month period since January 2022. This is almost double the total cyberthreats recorded in 2020 and 2021. More importantly, the significant increase of reported system vulnerabilities by 436% in the past year alone points to potential capacity gaps in securing information systems.  

Cyber threat 2020 2021 2022 (Sept)
Malware 124,168,113 181,888,153 127,060,393
DDOS/Botnet 4,060,899 92,108,268 68,554,541
Web Application Attacks 11,589,947 7,033,604 808,717
System Vulnerabilities 114,675 58,045,612 253,620,390
Total 139,933,634 339,075,637 450,044,041

These statistics point to the need for all stakeholders, including the private sector companies and groups, the technical community, academia, civil society groups and other non-governmental actors to pay keen attention to cybersecurity capacity. Responding to these growing threats means that there is a need for greater investment in cybersecurity capacity building (CCB), to ensure the implementation of rapid, proactive and strategic responses to prevent the rising incidents given the importance of digital systems to Kenya’s overall information security, critical infrastructure, democracy, digital economy, and public safety.

Kenya has enacted several policies and laws including the 2020 National ICT Policy, the Kenya National Digital Master Plan 2022-2032, the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2027, the Kenya Information and Communications Act, and the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act, 2018. The national policies highlight the country’s deficiencies in skilled cybersecurity personnel and point to the need to enhance and upgrade institutional capacities, build cybersecurity skills and increase cyber hygiene awareness among the public. 

In 2019 KICTANet identified cybersecurity capacity building, awareness creation on cyber hygiene and the development of cybersecurity courses in learning institutions are key priorities, and again in 2022, called upon all stakeholders to develop strategies to address these gaps. In July 2022, KICTANet participated in the 10th Edition of the Africa School of Internet Governance (AFRISIG) where together with other stakeholders, developed African cybersecurity capacity-building priorities. These priorities were shared with the Open-Ended Working Group on ICTs during the July Session. We believe that this document could still form the basis of a discussion of local CCB priorities at the national level. It is for this reason that KICTANet seeks to convene stakeholders to identify relevant needs and priorities for CCB in Kenya. 

Meeting Objective and Expected Outcome

The overall objectives of the roundtable are to increase local stakeholder awareness of cybersecurity capacity-building needs and to identify common priorities for Kenya in 2023. It is expected that the meeting shall result in a policy brief outlining Kenya’s cybersecurity capacity-building needs and key recommendations to various stakeholders moving forward. 


The participants will include relevant local actors drawn from the three arms of government, including key agencies and departments, private sector companies and groups, the technical community, academia, civil society groups and other non-governmental actors. 

About the Organizers

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a non-profit organisation, which acts as a multi-stakeholder platform for individuals and institutions interested and involved in ICT policy and regulation. The network aims to act as a catalyst for reform in the ICT sector in support of the national aim of ICT-enabled growth and development.

Global Partners Digital (GPD) is a social purpose company dedicated to fostering a digital environment underpinned by human rights and democratic values. It works by making policy spaces and processes more open, inclusive and transparent, and by facilitating strategic, informed and coordinated engagement in these processes by public interest actors.

Draft Programme 
Time Session Facilitator(s)
0800 – 0830  Arrival and Registration KICTANet
0830 – 0845 Welcome and Introductions Grace Githaiga, KICTANet
0845 – 0900 Overview of Workshop Objectives  Grace Githaiga, KICTANet
0900 – 0915 Keynote Address Vincent Ngundi, CA (TBC)
Session 1: Presentation on African Cybersecurity Capacity Building Priorities

Barrack Otieno, Moderator

0915 – 0945 Presentation of Output Document Experts

Victor Kapiyo

0945 – 1030 Plenary Session Moderator, KICTANet
1045 – 1100 Health Break
Session 2: Review of Kenya’s Cybersecurity Capacity Building Priorities
1100 – 1200
  • What are the key CCB needs and priorities?
  • What are the existing opportunities for interventions?
  • What are the tangible actions/recommendations to be implemented, and by whom?
Experts (TBC)

Mwende Njiraini, Moderator

  • Phillip Irode, ICTA
  • Vincent Omwenga, Strathmore University
  • Paula Musuva, USIU
  • NC4 (TBC)
  • Joseph Mathenge, Serianu Ltd
  • Anthony Muiyuro, ISACA
1200 – 1230 Plenary Session 
1230 – 1245 Recommendations, Next Steps and Sustainability Victor Kapiyo
1245 – 1300 Closing Session Ali Hussein, Chairman, KICTANet
1300 – 1400 Networking Lunch
End of Event