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Special Screening of the Documentary Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age

Date: 20th  June 2023

Time: 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Venue: Sarova Panafric Hotel Nairobi


The Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) is an open and inclusive multistakeholder forum that annually brings together over 250 industry stakeholders representing the government, the private sector, civil society, the technical and academic community, and the public to discuss Internet Governance. KICTANet has convened the Kenya IGF every successive year since 2008 in partnership with industry stakeholders, and this year commemorates the 16th Edition. The outcomes of the Kenya IGF will feed into the African IGF and Global IGF later this year. See the Kenya IGF Report 2022. Alongside the national IGF, a youth IGF shall be convened a day before the event to bring in the voices of young Kenyans to the national discussions. 

This year’s global IGF theme is ‘The Internet We Want – Empowering All People’. The Kenya IGF theme is aligned to the global IGF theme and will respond to the local context. The Forum programme will be developed in line with the following sub-themes:

  • AI & Emerging Technologies 
  • Avoiding Internet Fragmentation    
  • Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
  • Data Governance & Trust
  • Digital Divides & Inclusion
  • Global Digital Governance & Cooperation
  • Human Rights & Freedoms
  • Sustainability & Environment


Last year, KICTANet with support from GIZ developed an e-learning module on online gender-based violence and conducted workshops aimed at building a community of practice on online safety. Given the complex nature of internet governance, tackling Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV) requires a multi-stakeholder approach both in raising awareness and finding solutions.

Art is not only thought-provoking but can describe issues where words fail. Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age is an emotive, raw and unfiltered documentary produced by La Ruelle. The documentary follows the online experience of four women across two continents namely; former President of the Italian parliament Laura Boldrini, former Democratic representative Kiah Morris, French actor and YouTuber Marion Séclin, and Donna Zuckerberg, a specialist in online violence against women and the sister of Facebook’s founder.

As part of activities during this year’s KIGF Week activities, KICTANet with support from GIZ will screen this documentary and host a panel session afterwards on Online Gender Based Violence in Kenya. Panellists will guide the audience in distilling forms of OGBV, existing legal and policy responses and gaps that need to be addressed.

Objectives of the Meeting

The objective of the roundtable meeting is to;

  • Raise awareness of the lived experiences of online violence against women and gender-diverse persons;
  • Find possible legal and policy solutions to online gender-based violence; and
  • Brainstorm on strategies for collaborations/partnerships between Civil Society, Tech companies, academia, government and development partners.

Expected Outcomes 

  1. To view the documentary Backlash: Misogyny in the Digital Age.
  2. A high-level multi-stakeholder panel on Online Gender-Based Violence in Kenya 
  3. Raising Awareness about Online Gender-Based Violence in Kenya.
  4. Networking event for collaborations/partnerships between Civil Society, Tech companies, academia, government and development partners.

Format of the Event 

The event shall be face-to-face and will take the form of a documentary screening and panel discussions with plenary sessions for the audience to ask questions. 


The meeting will aim to bring together at least 50 participants who are representatives of CSOs working on women’s rights and youth governance and other opinion shapers who influence conversations both online and offline, to enhance partnerships, sharing of knowledge and emerging best practice on women’s digital rights.

For more information about this engagement, please send an email to [email protected] and copy [email protected] 

Draft Programme

Time Item
6:00 – 6:30 pm Arrival and Registration (Signing of KICTANet/GIZ Participation list)
6:30 – 6:35 pm Brief Opening Remark

Ms. Salomé Eggler

Head of the Digital Transformation Centre, GIZ

Ms. Grace Githaiga

CEO & Convenor of KICTANet

6:35 – 6:40pm Special Remark

H.E. Henriette Geiger

Ambassador of the European Union to Kenya 

6:40 – 7:00pm Keynote Speaker

Ms. Mercy Wanjau, Secretary of the Cabinet, Cabinet Office, Government of Kenya


7:00 – 8:00 pm Documentary Screening
8:00 – 8:50 pm Panel Discussion (30’ panel conversation; 20’ Q&A)


  • Susan Wanjiru, GIZ (DTC Kenya)


    • Katherine Getao, Research (Information and Communication Technology Authority of Kenya)
  • Kenne Kanyali, Human Rights Activist
  • Anne Ireri, Executive Director FID
  • Cyd Mbugua, CSO (Galck+)
  • Angela Minayo, CSO (KICTANet)


8:50 – 9:30 pm Networking and Drinks


9:30pm End


