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Webinar on Empowering Community Networks in Kenya for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

Date: 28 March 2024

Time: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Platform – Zoom  (Link to be shared upon registration)


KICTANet, in partnership with the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA), is pleased to host a webinar on “Empowering Community Networks in Kenya for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.”  

Background and Context

The 2022 Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Monographic Analytical Report indicates significant discrepancies in Internet usage for persons with disabilities. About 11% of them use the Internet, compared to 22.9% of non-disabled people. 

To address this divide, the webinar seeks to counter-check the current ICT Accessibility Legal, Policy, and Regulatory Landscape in Kenya to understand the digital barriers that persons with disabilities face. This will be key in promoting and continuing the efforts of KICTANet’s Digital Accessibility program to advance and secure full representation and active participation of persons with disabilities on the Internet. 

Since community networks operate in digitally underserved regions, catering to a diverse range of internet users, this gathering will leverage these networks to facilitate capacity-building and empowerment initiatives. Through this collaboration, KICTANet aims to promote internet inclusivity for individuals with disabilities, ensuring they are not left behind in the digital age.

A 2021 report by CIPESA on the barriers to accessing ICTs in Kenya listed 3 (three) challenges of access to information by persons with disabilities: limited access to ICTs and assistive tech devices and software and lack of appropriate knowledge and skills.

Community networks in Kenya can play a vital role in mitigating these challenges. The concern, however, is that custodians of community networks are not sufficiently empowered with training on how to include or assist persons with disabilities in their networks effectively. 

Objectives of the Workshop

  1. Empower community networks in Kenya to ensure digital inclusion for persons with disabilities.
  2. Promote digital inclusion and accessibility for persons with disabilities in internet access by discussing possible policy interventions.

Expected Outcomes

  • Empowered community networks to ensure digital inclusion for persons with disabilities.
  • Enhanced Capacity of community network members to implement the Kenya Disability Legal Framework 
  • In-depth knowledge of accessibility, assistive technology, and devices to community network technical and project officers.
  • Developed best practices in ensuring digital inclusion and accessibility through community networks

Format of the Webinar.

The format of this webinar shall include a presentation, a panel discussion, and a question-and-answer session.


Participants will include members of Kenya’s community networks, the technical community, academia, development partners, civil society, persons with disabilities, and the public.

About the Organizers

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a non-profit organization that acts as a multi-stakeholder platform for ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet’s guiding philosophy encourages synergies for ICT policy-related activities and initiatives. As such, the network provides mechanisms and a framework for continuing cooperation and collaboration in ICT matters among industry, the technical community, academia, the media, development partners, and the government.


Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) is established under the Catalysing Access to Information and Communications Technologies in Africa (CATIA) initiative. Its establishment was in response to the Louder Voices Report for DFiD, which identified the lack of access to information about ICT as a significant barrier to effective and inclusive ICT policy-making in Africa. It focuses on facilitating the use of ICT to support good governance, human rights, and livelihoods in East and Southern Africa. As such, it aims to address the shortage of information, resources, and actors consistently working at the intersection of technology, human rights, and society.


Time Session Title Session Facilitator
10:00 am – 10:05 am Welcome and Opening Remarks Dr. Grace Githaiga
10:05 am – 11:05 am Panel Presentations

  • Disability in the Digital Space: Barriers and Challenges for PWDs – Florence A Ouma
  • Kenya Legal Frameworks on ICT Access for Persons with Disabilities – Linda Gichohi 
  • Facilitating Digital Accessibility as a Community Network – Nicodemus Nyakundi
Nzambi Kakusu, KICTANet
11:05 am – 11:25 am Q & A Session Panelists
11:25 am – 11:30 am Feedback & Evaluation 

Next Steps and Closing

Nzambi Kakusu, KICTANet

