Panellists included Bridgette Ndong from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Moses Kipchirchir from KPMG, Mary Mwangi from the Association of Fintechs in Kenya, Dr. David Njoga from NC4, and Michelle Kuria from ESET Africa. The session was moderated by Tevin Mwenda from GIZ.

KeIGF 2024: Fostering a Secure and Resilient Digital Economy

The interconnectedness of cybersecurity and national security is emerging as a central theme in conversations among policymakers.

Questions around cybersecurity and challenges of digital economy growth and services.

A panel discussion on “fostering a secure and resilient digital economy” discussed effective strategies to bolster the resilience of Kenya’s digital economy.

Industry experts and government officials explored emerging threats and opportunities in data governance and cybersecurity while emphasizing the need for enhanced multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Panellists included Bridgette Ndong from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Moses Kipchirchir from KPMG, Mary Mwangi from the Association of Fintechs in Kenya, Dr. David Njoga from NC4, and Michelle Kuria from ESET Africa. The session was moderated by Tevin Mwenda from GIZ.

The overarching theme of the discussion was the inextricable link between cybersecurity and national security.

Dr. David Njoga emphasized the critical role of cybersecurity in safeguarding the nation’s digital infrastructure.

On the other hand, Moses Kipchirchir highlighted the growing challenges faced by businesses in the digital economy, including cyberattacks and the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Data protection and privacy emerged as key concerns with Bridgette Ndong underscoring the importance of safeguarding personal data and the role of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner in enforcing compliance.

Mary Mwangi emphasized the need for a balance between innovation and data protection within the fintech sector.

The panel also discussed the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration in addressing cybersecurity challenges. Key among them is the role of the private sector in developing innovative cybersecurity solutions.

Two, the need for a national cybersecurity strategy that brings together government, industry, and academia.

As a result, to enhance Kenya’s digital resilience, panellists proposed establishing a Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, investing in cybersecurity infrastructure, and promoting digital literacy among the population.

They concluded with a call for continued collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders to build a secure and resilient digital ecosystem.


  1. KeIGF 2024: Kenya Seeks to Build a Multi-Stakeholder Digital Future
  2. Balancing Innovation and Regulation: Key to Kenya’s Digital Future



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