Safaricom changes to home fibre ToS

@Ali Hussein what if the Customer does not have sufficient Capacity to understand FUP, si unampea tu ajisomee na ajipange. By the way even fish can’t come to a fisherman who doesnt have bait yet they are analogue ama namna gani? On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 10:59 AM...

Safaricom changes to home fibre ToS

Andrew I do appreciate your very candid responses and of course, I wouldnt expect you to agree with my ‘conspiracy theories’ about data. The fact that you can’t run away from is this:- Most ISPs run a *Bait and switch *sales operations machine. This...

Safaricom changes to home fibre ToS

Barrack Hogwash…With all due respect. There are enough inexpensive tools to punish bad players. Painting the majority of users as bad (peculiar) players is just laziness on the part of service providers. Do the right thing. Regards *Ali Hussein* Digital...

Safaricom changes to home fibre ToS

Spot on Andrew, @Ali Hussein , not all users are decent, majority are peculiar. As i opined earlier service providers are not in the business of policing users, it costs money to do this as Andrew argues. FUP is one of the ways of ensuring people stick to their lanes...

Safaricom changes to home fibre ToS

Andrew Wacha kizungu mingi (I think you are Kenyan enough to understand what I’ve just said). 😁 Let me put you on the spot. To come up with FUP’s you already know whose doing what so that ‘innocence’ of telling us about privacy now is moot....