by Nicodemus Nyakundi | Mar 8, 2025 | Accessibility, Digital Accessibility, Highlights, kictanet, kictanet post, Reports
Our primary goal in attending the second National Summit of Community Networks was to address the question of why we conducted and published our study report on Best Practices for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Kenyan Community Networks. This...
by David Indeje | Dec 19, 2024 | Digital Accessibility, Highlights, kictanet post
The Kenya Society for the Blind (KSB) is equipping persons with visual impairments with essential computer skills. In Busia County, participants are gaining hands-on experience with keyboards, screen readers, and other assistive technologies, boosting their confidence...
by Nicodemus Nyakundi | Dec 18, 2024 | Digital Accessibility, Highlights, IGF Reports, kictanet post
The conversation surrounding disability digital inclusion and accessibility is not just one for those who identify as disabled; it is a call to action for everyone. Whose fight is this, and where should these critical discussions take place? The truth is that...
by Nicodemus Nyakundi | Nov 17, 2024 | Accessibility, Cyber Security, Digital Accessibility, Highlights, kictanet, kictanet post
According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics’ Analytical Report on Disability, only 9.8% of women with disabilities in Kenya have access to the internet, which is a disappointingly low figure. This percentage is even lower in rural areas, where internet...
by Nicodemus Nyakundi | Sep 30, 2024 | Digital Accessibility, Highlights, kictanet post
The digital age has transformed communication, education, and economic opportunities. However, many people with disabilities (PWDs) in Africa have faced challenges in accessing this digital revolution. To address this issue, CIPESA, CIPE, TOGETHER and Thomson Reuters...
by Nicodemus Nyakundi | Sep 27, 2024 | Accessibility, Digital Accessibility, Highlights, kictanet post, Policy Brief, Publication, Reports, stakeholder engagement
There are community networks. And there is a disability. Now imagine a community with shared digital resources and possibilities. A community that embraces everyone, regardless of their abilities. That is the power of community networks. Kenya defines disability as a...