Fraud at KENIC?


Same here. And uptodate no communication on how my bids went 🙁

And having looked at this system its unfortunately a very basic auction
system. A couple of comments though:

First and foremost, even in premium domains, they each need to be graded at
different levels depending on their anticipated value. No point starting at Ksh 7990, you will just waste time with everyone who trying their

Two, to weed out Bots and non-serious users & corruption, anyone bidding on
the very least should put up a refundable-deposit of at least the
registration fee and / or the minimum bid value,whichever is higher.

Three, based on above no anonymous buyers would be entertained and/or

Four domains that are not successfully auctioned should be clearly marked
as such and a decision on whether to be re-auctioned at a later date or
conversion to general availability made to the public *prior* to this being

Five, before we complicate the auction process even further trying to
understand auction software, why not just pack these domains up, each as
an individual product and put them up on eBay who have a tried, tested &
open auction system with all the features we require?


On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:06 PM, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Abdalla
> Thanks for the prompt response.
> As a person who personally bid for a number of Premium Domains I’m
> gratified that you are taking measures to weed out Bots from the system.
> This is good.
> I’m eagerly awaiting for ROUND II! 🙂
> Regards
> *Ali Hussein*
> *Principal*
> *Hussein & Associates*
> Tel: +254 713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn:
> 13th Floor , Delta Towers, Oracle Wing,
> Chiromo Road, Westlands,
> Nairobi, Kenya.
> Any information of a personal nature expressed in this email are purely
> mine and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the
> organizations that I work with.
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:02 PM, Abdalla <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear Ali,
>> Questions to KeNIC have been answered in-line, red font, below.
>> Thank you.
>> Kind regards,
>> Abdalla Omari.
>> *Chief Executive Officer*
>> On Jan 26, 2018, at 10:44 AM, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
>> [email protected]> wrote:
>> @Kennedy
>> You got that right. The auction is not connected to the main core
>> registry system.
>> In the scheme of things we ought to commend KeNIC and the CA
>> (Communication Authority) for responding promptly to issues of public
>> interest. This can only improve their engagement and performance in
>> relation to the public. I wish I could say the same regarding the team
>> behind the eCiziten Portal.
>> @Sidney you raised a pertinent issue on possible fraud and leakage. Mine
>> is to ask for clarification from KeNIC on this issue.
>> 1. Was anyone who bid and won a domain denied it and given to someone else
>> All bid winners were communicated to, asked to confirm their interest and
>> follow up by making payments directly to the KeNIC account and send proof
>> of payment to the Finance team. Only 12 domains have been paid for and
>> registered as communicated earlier.
>> 2. Since we know no system in the world is 100% full proof it would be
>> good to get an assurance from KeNIC on what happens next.
>> All names that have not been paid for will be released for auction and
>> the date of the 2nd auction will be communicated. We are coming up with
>> stringent procedures for the next auction.
>> @Barrack, I applaud your bringing to attention the privacy angle. There’s
>> zero excuse for someone to peddle a document with personal information the
>> way this document was circulated. Respect of personal privacy is an
>> important matter in today’s world. Even as we wait for a bill to address
>> this I urge us to play a personal role in this and exercise self regulation.
>> Regards
>> *Ali Hussein*
>> *Principal*
>> *Hussein & Associates*
>> +254 0713 601113
>> Twitter: @AliHKassim
>> Skype: abu-jomo
>> LinkedIn:
>> “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a
>> habit.” ~ Aristotle
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On 26 Jan 2018, at 10:15 AM, Kennedy Aseda via kictanet <
>> [email protected]> wrote:
>> Harry,
>> 1. Why would the second level domain system, *supposedly not hosted on
>> the parent system (am assuming hosted elsewhere)*, cause an outage or
>> cause the main pre-existing database system of third level domains to
>> crash, like what was witnessed.
>> *I think the system KeNIC is referring to here is the auction system –
>> not the registry itself.*
>> Thereafter, when auction closed; my understanding from the two
>> communications is that the bulk deletion from the registry of the SLDs that
>> were reserved but not paid for caused erroneous deletion of nameservers
>> from the registry database.
>> Kennedy.
>> On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 9:11 AM, Harry Delano via kictanet <
>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hey Abdalla,
>>> Thanks for the attached response, have gone through it. Some queries
>>> still linger:-
>>> 1. Why would the second level domain system, supposedly not hosted on
>>> the parent system (am assuming hosted elsewhere), cause an outage or cause
>>> the main pre-existing database system of third level domains to crash, like
>>> what was witnessed.
>>> 2. How foolproof, or what measures were taken to ward off rigging or
>>> ‘defective’ bids in the system. A cursory look at the list of bidders, if
>>> at all authentic seems to indicate most of those email addresses are
>>> foreign, and very few of them on the local . KE domain space. How
>>> ironical..?
>>> 3. It almost sounds incredulous that one bid reached KES
>>> 1,000,0000,038. Would love to look forward to when that gets paid up,
>>> please keep us posted..
>>> Harry
>>> On 26 Jan 2018 08:23, “Abdalla via kictanet” <
>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Dear Listers,
>>>> Attached, please find the official response from KeNIC. This attachment
>>>> needs to be read alongside the statement issued on 19th January 2018, on
>>>> this list.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Abdalla Omari.
>>>> *Chief Executive Officer*
>>>> On Jan 24, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Sidney Ochieng <[email protected]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Look forward to reading it. You should consider circulating it widely
>>>> as this PDF is been shared in other forums as well
>>>> On 24 January 2018 at 15:06, ceo via kictanet <
>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Sidney,
>>>>> I have read your email.
>>>>> I am preparing a detailed response to the allegations you have raised.
>>>>> As Barrack has stated, it seems you have been misinformed on how the
>>>>> process conducted.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Abdalla
>>>>> On Jan 24, 2018 2:03 PM, Barrack Otieno via kictanet <
>>>>> [email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi Sidney,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > There is a lot of misinformation and disinformation regarding this
>>>>> issue. I have been involved in such processes locally and across the border
>>>>> and most often this is the outcome of domain auction processes especially
>>>>> where premium domains are concerned. As is the case in the domain name
>>>>> industry, software is used to conduct auctions once the necessary policies
>>>>> have been put in place. Auctions such as these ellicit global interest
>>>>> including mischievous characters who are a handfull to deal with from a
>>>>> policy and technical perspective. Even the most advanced and technically
>>>>> equipped companies around the world are caught flatfooted from time to
>>>>> time.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I would suggest that we debate the issue based on facts and not
>>>>> insinuations. Let us also be wary of sour grapes.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Best Regards
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Sidney Ochieng (princelySid) via
>>>>> kictanet <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Listers,
>>>>> >> So remember when the domain name system went down? Allegedly there
>>>>> was something untoward happening… KENIC has a lot to answer for
>>>>> >>
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>>>>> >> The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a multi-stakeholder
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>>>>> sector in support of the national aim of ICT enabled growth and development.
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>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >

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