Fwd: [AfrICANN-discuss] Piloting the Use of TV White Space for Community Network in Rural Tanzania


For TV white space enthusiasts, your support will be appreciated.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Matogoro Jabera <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 4:19 PM
Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Piloting the Use of TV White Space for
Community Network in Rural Tanzania
To: africann <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

Dear Colleagues,

It is my hope that this email will find you doing fine. I am happy to
inform you that our project titled “Piloting the Use of TV White Space for
Community Network in Rural Tanzania” has been nominated for WSIS Prizes
2019 by International Telecommunication Union.

For this project to be considered among the winning project for the prize,
we would appreciate your vote and if possible also helping us sharing this
news in your network so that we could receive more votes for our project.

I am also including details on how to vote below:

1. Visit this link:
2. Create an account using your email to the voting system.
3. A confirmation email will be sent to your email, click a link sent in
your email to activate the account.
4. Login to the voting system using your email address and password
provided during account creation.
5. Once logged in, you will be presented a list of project for category
1. You MUST vote at least one project from category 1.
6. Vote for any project in category 2 and category 3.
7. Our project is listed in category 4 project. Please search project
name titled “Piloting the use of TV White Space for Community Network in
Rural Tanzania”. Vote for this project in category 4.
8. Vote for one project from the remaining categories, 5-18.
9. Once voting is completed, a list of the voted project will be
displayed as attached.

Assistant Lecturer
College of Informatics and Virtual Education
The University of Dodoma
P.O Box 490,
Website: www.udom.ac.tz
*IEEE Membership ID: 93934185*
AfrICANN mailing list
[email protected]

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