Fwd: [NRIs List] youth IGF Africa meeting 2019

Might be of interest to those who attended Kenya IGF.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Mahamat Silim <[email protected]>

Subject: [NRIs List] youth IGF Africa meeting 2019
To: <[email protected]>

Dear all,

It is great news that the coming African Internet Governance Forum
(AfIGF-VIII) meeting will be held from 10-12 September 2019 in N’Djamena,

The youth IGF Africa coordination has the great pleasure to invite all of
you for the preparation of its coming event that will be held on 9th of
September 2019 in N’Djamena.

Therefore, the youth IGF Chad has been appointed as a focal point of this

For the success of the initiative, please join the WhatsApp
<chat.whatsapp.com/JrojZ0uHKzf105nekIp0hS> and google group

Best Regards,

The Coordination

KICTANet Admin information

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