ICT Practitioners Bill, call for comments/submissions to the National Assembly

Good afternoon Listers,

Tech Policy Discussion: ICT Practitioners Bill by lawyers hub is happening right now

You can access it via zoom using the link lawyershub-org.zoom.us/w/89822587316?tk=8QPaLkouojcUO-bDcMZoaD02Df_WXZ9z3UnYzazKagE.DQIAAAAU6dfptBY5cTRzRlBoNFJhMjJYUVpweFc4dTVRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <lawyershub-org.zoom.us/w/89822587316?tk=8QPaLkouojcUO-bDcMZoaD02Df_WXZ9z3UnYzazKagE.DQIAAAAU6dfptBY5cTRzRlBoNFJhMjJYUVpweFc4dTVRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&uuid=WN_h_8OwhRDRzO7K09qCUn91A> &uuid=WN_h_8OwhRDRzO7K09qCUn91A

Best Regards,


From: kictanet <[email protected]> On Behalf Of awatila— via kictanet
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:41 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [kictanet] ICT Practitioners Bill, call for comments/submissions to the National Assembly

Good morning,

Looks like my school mate is looking for something to do after he stops being a nominated mp.

Personal I already belong to an ICT professional association and have no interest in changing to this new one


Alex Watila

From: kictanet <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> > On Behalf Of Wamathai (HapaKenya) via kictanet
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 9:59 AM
To: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
Cc: Wamathai (HapaKenya) <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> >
Subject: Re: [kictanet] ICT Practitioners Bill, call for comments/submissions to the National Assembly

This thing has refused to die.

On Fri, 19 Feb 2021, 09:52 David Indeje via kictanet, <[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:

Kind Regards,

David Indeje

<cytonn.sheerhr.com/signature/icon/ico-phone.png> +254 (0) 711 385 945 | +254 (0) 734 024 856

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