Kenya IGF Publications

A list of Kenya Internet Governance Forum publications.

The Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) is an annual meeting that brings together various stakeholder groups to dialogue on ICT and Internet policy. While the discussions give soft policy outcomes, the Kenya Internet Governance Forum is a knowledge-sharing platform that informs and inspires policy actors in both the public and private sectors. The national forum also feeds into the regional and global Internet Governance Fora through a chain of reporting and representation to the regional and global Internet Governance Fora to ensure a bottom-up Internet policy development processes and a strong link between global internet policies and the national one.

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The IGF was held on August 1, 2024. This yearā€™s global forumā€™s program revolves around four sub-themes: 1. Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space ā€“ Fostering dialogue on innovation, exchange of success stories and best practices while addressing digital vulnerabilities. 2. Enhancing digital contributions to peace, development, and sustainability ā€“ Exploring how digital technologies can drive socioeconomic development and sustainability for present and future generations. 3. Advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age ā€“ Empowering marginalised communities to ensure online rights mirror offline rights. This theme will delve into the innovative solutions, framework and initiatives that foster universal meaningful connectivity and ensure protection of human rights in the digital realm. 4. Improving digital governance ā€“ Promoting multi stakeholder governance to address digital issues, greater cooperation and support the ā€œInternet We Want.ā€ 76 downloads Download 17.2 MB
This report examines the impact and success stories of the Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG) from 2016 to 2021. KeSIGā€™s growing alumni network is a powerful testament to the programā€™s profound impact. These individuals are evidence of the programā€™s success in fostering a new generation of Internet Governance leaders. 236 downloads Download 9.6 MB
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multi-stakeholder platform that discusses public policy issues related to Internet governance. The Kenya IGF, modelled on the Global IGF structure, allows stakeholders to share perspectives on issues affecting internet users in Kenya and globally. The 16th edition of the Kenya IGF was organized by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) in partnership with various industry stakeholders. The event was a hybrid event with both physical and online participation, and it was active on various digital platforms. The forum discussed key areas such as cybersecurity, data privacy, online harassment abuse, hate speech, connectivity and infrastructure, artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. The goal of the forum is to create an ideal internet that is a multi-stakeholder space allowing for free engagement, government response against bad actors, sustainability, and respect for diverse stakeholder perspectives. 798 downloads Download 5.7 MB
The Kenyan IGF digital platforms performance. Twitter hadĀ 100.5 million impressions, Facebook 189 page visits, TikTok 2,938 video views, and LinkedInĀ  314 new followers andĀ 1726 page views.Ā  399 downloads Download 3.3 MB
Kenya Youth IGF 2023

Kenya Youth IGF is a youth-led initiative aimed at developing the capacity for coordinating, mobilizing, and advocating for meaningful inclusion and engagement of young people in the Kenya IGF, in partnership with industry stakeholders to address key Internet issues.

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The 2022 theme was ā€œResilient Internet for a shared sustainable and common futureā€. The participants at this meeting consisted of 280 individuals in person and 220 attending virtually via Zoom Webinar, Facebook Live, and Livestreamed on KICTANetā€™s YouTube channel. The participants were drawn from various sectors including government, the private sector, civil society, the technical, academic community, and the general public.
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Kenya IGF 2022 Social media report

Potential Impact 1,319,780 Potential Reach 221,200 Contributors 58 (active) Current Total Followers- 1,025 Number of New Followers- 122 Engagements, 483 within 68 posts

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The Kenya YouthIGF is a youth-led structure to develop the capacity for coordinating, mobilizing, and advocating for meaningful Inclusion and Engagement of young people in the internet governance ecosystem, especial- ly at the Kenya Internet Governance Forum- Kenyaā€™s Premier Policy Platform. Following the success of last yearā€™s edition, this yearā€™s Kenya YouthIGF aimed at serving as an interactive discussion platform for organized youth participation from all stakeholder groups to bring up their ideas and concerns. The Forum further created opportunities for networking, collaboration, and creating long-term partnerships between key stakeholders and the community.
The theme for the Kenya YouthIGF was ā€œResilient Internet for a sustainable and common future for the Youthā€, attracting 70 participants
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14th Kenya IGF theme: ā€œInternet Unitedā€. The sub-themes: Data Governance; Digital Inclusion; Universal Access, and Meaningful connectivity; Trust, Security, Stability, and Resilience of the Internet; Elections, Data and Technology; Emerging Issues: 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Digital Tax, E-learning, and FinTech 1164 downloads Download 9.4 MB
The Kenya Youth IGF Forum is an initiative launched to bring together young people around the country and foster their engagement in a debate on Internet governance. The youth forum offers opportunities for young people to exchange their ideas and experiences with experts from business, academia, and Government. 657 downloads Download 2.1 MB

KICTANet has continued to convene the KIGF over the years and in line with the tradition, it organized the 2020 annual forum. In collaboration with Communications Authority (CA), Facebook, Safaricom, KENIC, Association of Progressive Communications (APC), and Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), hosted the Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) on October 29th, 2020. The forum themed ā€˜Internet for Human Resilience and Solidarityā€™ was hosted virtually with CIO East Africa providing the online platform, and attracted over 300 participants from the region. The event was preceded by a three-day fifth edition of the Kenya School of Internet Governance Forum (KeSIG), a flagship program for KICTANet which aims to bring in new voices into ICT policymaking. It also encourages those whose work has been disrupted by the internet to understand and contribute to internet policy-making processes. Ā  In line with this tradition, and with the challenge presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 event was held online.

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The 5th edition of Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG) took place from Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th October 2020. The programme comprised a three-day training where the KeSIG fellows were introduced to the basics of internet governance as well as topical and emerging issues in Kenya. Thereafter, fellows attended the Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) that also took place online on the fourth day. With the knowledge gained from the school, these fellows were able to meaningfully engage during KIGF by asking questions, networking with other attendees online, and articulate their positions on issues they are passionate about. It is KICTANetā€™s hope that they continue to give input to internet policymaking processes locally and globally. Due to the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, KeSIG 2020 was conducted virtually online through a self-paced eLearning material and webinars by industry speakers from different stakeholder groups. 85 participants were selected for this yearā€™s training out of the 130 who applied for the training after a competitive and careful selection process. However, only 40 participants were active and completed all the required tasks needed to pass the training. Like previous years, the program had participants from other regions of East Affrica. The training adopted mixed methods such as online self-paced learning through Moodle, online tests, online Zoom presentations, and participatory activities through online group work.

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Report by David Indeje. We used Tweetbinder to analyse #KeIGF2020 conversation. Potential Impact- this is the number of times somebody might have seen the hashtag. Potential Reach- the number of unique users who might have seen the hashtag Followers per contributor- the average number of followers per contributor during the campaign. Links and pictures- number of tweets containing links and pictures. Potential Impact 2,349,630 Potential Reach 452,307 Contributors 66 (active) Follower/ contributor 130 Original Tweets 29 Text Tweets 30 (6%) Replies 54 (10.8%) Reshares 370 (74%) Links/ Images 69 (13.8%) 718 downloads Download 670.5 KB
2019 KIGF was held on August 1st 2019, at the Nairobi Sarova Panafric Hotel. It was a culmination of the activities of KIGF week that commenced on July 29th 2019 under a theme: One Kenya. One Net. One Vision. The Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) is an annual meeting held in line with the multi-stakeholder internet governance approach. It brings together various stakeholder groups to dialogue on internet governance and policy issues through an open and inclusive process. KIGF stakeholders are the government, the private sector, civil society, the technical and academic community, media and the public. The purpose of Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is to offer an open platform for inclusive dialogue and the exchange of ideas on Internet Governance (IG) related issues, share best practices and experiences, identify emerging issues and direct them to the relevant authorities and to contribute to the enhancement of Internet governance through capacity building of the identified stakeholders. The outcomes of the country level IG meetings such as the KIGF contributes to East Africa Internet Governance Forum (EAIGF) at regional and the Africa Internet Governance Forum (AIGF) at the continental level. Previously, Kenya hosted EAIGF in 2009 and 2012 and the global IGF in 2011 in Nairobi. 608 downloads Download 16.3 MB
The Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG) now in its fourth edition is a three day training that covers technical, legal and contemporary issues brought about by the internet, and how they affect decision making in Kenya. This is an initiative of the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) together with industry partners. Participants are drawn from different ICT stakeholder groups, mostly new voices in internet governance policy. The training objectives of KeSIG are to produce a critical mass of people who may be called upon to give public interest perspectives in ICT policy making, and to increase the capacity of persons interested in contributing to Kenyan and global ICT policy actions. 633 downloads Download 16.6 MB
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Report of the 11th Kenyan IGF held on 19th July 2018 at Panafric hotel, Nairobi, Kenya 664 downloads Download 4 MB
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