Postponement of the Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF) 2024

Kenya IGF 2024: Postponed – Reshaping the Conversation for a More Inclusive Future

By Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and KICTANet

The Kenya Internet Governance Forum (KIGF), a beacon for digital policy discussion, finds itself at a crossroads. The ongoing protests against the Kenya Finance Bill 2024 are more than a headline; they’re a pivotal moment in our journey towards equitable digital access and governance.

These protests underscore a critical dialogue about economic policies and their far-reaching implications on digital inclusivity and freedom. By postponing the forum, we’re not stepping back; we’re leaning in closer to listen, understand, and incorporate the voices of those standing at the barricades today.

Our deep commitment to ensuring that when we gather to shape the future of our digital landscape, no voice is left unheard, and no perspective overlooked remains unwavering.

Let’s use this pause to reflect on how inclusive governance can bridge divides and foster a more equitable digital future. Let’s use this moment to amplify voices that are often drowned out amidst policy discussions.

A new date will be announced in due course, and we hope you will be available as a speaker. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and continued support.

By Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) and KICTANet



David Indeje information

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