Kenya IGF Online Discussions Day 1: Content Regulation on the Internet

Hi Listers,

(b) How is content regulation achieved?

Through intermediary liability laws. These laws generally require platforms
to remove content in at least some circumstances, with obligations usually
triggered when the platform learns about illegal material. Platforms
operate notice and take-down programs as a way both to comply with such
laws and to enforce their own discretionary content policies.

(c) What categories of content face the most regulation?

Internet platforms largely as a result of the mounting public demands for
aggressive intervention.

Calls for companies like YouTube and Facebook to fight problems ranging
from “fake news” to hate speech to online radicalization seem to make daily
headlines even gathering support from the top leadership not just locally
but globally i.e British prime minister Theresa May, “Industry needs to go
further and faster” in removing prohibited content by developing automated
filters to detect and suppress it automatically.”

We sometimes decry the intrusion of platform moderation, and sometimes
decry its absence.


Esther Kamande

Advocate | Policy Analyst

Twitter: @enkamande

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 9:26 AM kanini mutemi via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> I’ll start us off with the discussion on Content Regulation on the
> internet. I find it useful for us to first understand what content
> regulation means. To this end, I invite your contributions to the following
> questions–
> (a) What does ‘*content regulation**’* mean?
> (b) How is content regulation achieved?
> (c) What categories of content face the most regulation?
> Let’s go!
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