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KICTANet Community of Practice on Module 5 of the Digital Enquirer Kit on Online Gender-Based Violence

Date:  Friday 28 October 2022, Time: 0800 – 1600 hours
Place: Royal Tulip Canaan, Hurlingham Nairobi

KICTANet is pleased to launch module 5 of the Digital Enquirer Kit on Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV). For the past nine months, KICTANet had been extensively involved in the development of the e-learning module with feedback from our stakeholders held on 14th February 2022, 27th April 2022 and 22nd May 2022 at various stages of production. The module explores themes of gender dynamics, forms of online gender-based violence, gendered hate speech, harms of OGBV and tips for coping with OGBV. 

Following our first Community of Practice Engagement on 27th June 2022, KICTANet will convene another round of participants as part of the module’s dissemination and localisation. This will be a full-day event with a special focus on the Digital Enquirer Kit modules and group exercises on OGBV in module 5. Finally, the participants will enroll for the Digital Enquirer Kit courses on the atingi platform in order to formally complete the course.

Objectives of the Meeting

The objective of the community of practice is to raise awareness of the Digital Enquirer Kit and Online Gender Based Violence; and to identify strategies and potential solutions from stakeholders.  

Expected Outcomes 

  1. Introduction of the Digital Enquirer Kit
  2. Launch of the Digital Enquirer Kit on OGBV
  3. Raising awareness about Online Gender Based Violence.
  4. Movement Building/Community of Practice by building the Participant’s  capacity to understand the forms, types and harms of OGBV.

Format of the Event 

The event shall be face-to-face and will take the form of presentations, and group and individual exercises. 


The meeting will aim to bring together at least 25 digital rights activists, representatives of CSOs working on digital rights, human rights defenders, and other opinion shapers who influence conversations both online and offline, to enhance partnerships, sharing of knowledge and emerging best practice.

About KICTANet

KICTANet is a multistakeholder platform for people and institutions interested in ICT policy. The network acts as a think tank that catalyses policy reforms in the ICT sector, and it is guided by four pillars: policy advocacy, stakeholder engagement, capacity building and research. KICTAnet’s guiding philosophy is that of encouraging synergies for ICT policy-related activities and initiatives. As such, the network provides mechanisms and a framework for continuing cooperation and collaboration in ICT matters among industry, technical community, academia, media, development partners, and Government.

With Support from:

GIZ DTC logo

GIZ DTC logo



8:00 am – 8:30 am Arrival and Registration

  • KICTANet
8:30 am – 8:45 am Welcome and Introductions

  • Stage setting & participant introductions
Grace Githaiga KICTANet, Ephraim Kenyanito, GIZ
8:45 am – 9:00 am  

Introduction of the program and Objectives

Angela Minayo, KICTANet
9:00 am – 10:30 am Launch of the Digital Enquirer Kit on Online Gender Based Violence

  • Launch of the Module – GIZ/KICTANet
  • Our Learning and Experiences on OGBV –KICTANet
Laura Hartman, GIZ and Angela Minayo, KICTANet
10:30 am – 11:00 am Health break
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Introduction to Concepts of Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV)

  • What is OGBV and why does it matter in today’s digital World
  • What are the common forms of OGBV?
Riva Jalipa, Independent expert
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Plenary Session – Q&As
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm Impact of the DEK (Kenya Case)

  • Introduction to the GIZ Digital Enquirer Kit 
  • How KICTANet has used and distributed the DEK
  • Impact
Angela Minayo, KICTANet
2:45 pm – 4:15 pm Group Exercises

  • Riva Jalipa, and Angela Minayo
4:15 pm – 4:30 pm Individual Exercise/Enrollment of the Digital Enquirer Kit on Atingi Angela Minayo/Riva Jalipa
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Feedback session on the Module, QnA
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm Closing Session Grace Githaiga
5:00 pm – Tea/Coffee

Guests leave at their own pleasure

