My comments are inline. “AT”:
Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 08:32:41 +0300
> From: John Tanui <>
> To: “Kenya’s premier ICT Policy engagement platform”
> <>
> Subject: Re: [kictanet] KONZA: The failed promise of Kenya?s smart
> city
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″
> Dear Barrack,
> Konza Technopolis project is on course, we are making significant progress
> especially ensuring that the key pillars for the success are in place.
> Our invitation to KICTANET still stands, we consider this community key
> stake holders and your partnership, collaboration and feedback is
> important.
> You can get the latest information on the project by visiting also our
> website and social media platforms including YouTube.
> Let me know when you would like to visit us.
> Regards
> John Tanui
Everything on the navigation bar of <>
results in an *Error “404”* not found. I am trying to access the master
plan and news & updates but I can’t.
We sincerely need transparency on the progress. Kindly look into this.
Adrian Teri
KICTANet mailing list