Technical workshop on Internet and Disability

Date: 27th to 31st May 2024

Venue: Sarova Stanley Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

Participation: Confirmed participants targeting 40 attendees.


KICTANet in partnership with the Communication Authority (CA), will be hosting a five-day technical workshop on Digital Inclusion. The workshop will target forty (40) participants including representatives of Organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), the private sector, the technical community, academia, media, development partners, civil society and persons with disabilities. The workshop will occur between  27th to 31st May 2024  in Nairobi. 

Background and Context

Digital inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) is a cornerstone towards the realisation of an inclusive society, ensuring equal access to information and services for all. In Kenya, despite the local accessibility standards, legal mandates, and international standards, digital accessibility challenges persist across various sectors. Research by CIPESA shows that while Kenya has enacted legislation and policies to increase digital accessibility, more needs to be done to fully implement this legislation. Similarly, persons with disabilities have challenges accessing Government websites and e-services. Other challenges include the lack of appropriate ICT skills by PWDs, the lack of disaggregated data on disability, and the high cost of assistive technologies and digital devices with accessibility features. 

In Kenya, there is a need to prioritise initiatives and efforts towards bridging this gap to enable persons with disabilities to access the Internet and other digital platforms and consequently actively participate in the digital economy.

According to the 2022 Analytical Report on Disability Vol. XV by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), of the about 0.9 million persons with disabilities in Kenya, only 11% of them have access to the Internet, compared to 22% of their counterparts without disabilities. Similarly, the UNESCO  framework of Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators acknowledges disability as a cross-cutting issue while emphasising the need to address it as an intersectionality factor stretching across all other indicators. Further, the CIPESA report on Assessing the Barrier to Accessing ICT by Persons with Disability in Kenya highlights limited access to assistive technology, digital skills, website accessibility, and specific policies on disability as some of the challenges that persons with disabilities face in the local digital space. This disparity between persons with disabilities and those without disabilities in the use of the Internet emphasises the urgency of addressing the issue of accessibility and inclusion. 

Further, persons with disabilities are exposed to online risks and vulnerabilities including Online Gender-based Violence (OGBV). Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV) refers to any form of violence, harassment, or discrimination targeting individuals based on their gender identity or expression, which occurs in digital spaces. According to Plan International, at least 58% of girls have experienced online harassment. According to statistics from the Communications Authority, cyber threats recorded in the country have been on the rise since 2020. For example, between January and September 2022, 450 million cyber threats in the form of malware, DDOs, web application attacks and system vulnerabilities were recorded. Persons with Disabilities remain persons at risk who are vulnerable to OGBV and cyber attacks. 

The Communication Authority of Kenya is committed to increasing the penetration and coverage of ICTs, increasing access to broadcasting and postal services, and enhancing consumer protection, and empowerment. Anchored in the CA’s core values, the Authority, in the execution of its consumer protection and empowerment mandate, seeks to increase consumers’ level of information, knowledge, and skills in the purchase and use of communication services. In so doing, consumers are in a position where they could make better purchase and use decisions in the market. The Authority considers Persons with Disabilities to be vulnerable consumers of ICT and at risk of exposure to online threats and vulnerabilities. In view of this, therefore, the Authority seeks to develop a comprehensive programme to address these challenges.

CA has in the past implemented initiatives that are geared towards ensuring PWDs have access to ICT products and services. In this regard, the Authority has supported the development of standards to facilitate ICT accessibility in collaboration with the Kenya Bureau of Standards, KS 29521: 2021, and Implemented initiatives targeted at Persons with Disability under the Universal Service Fund (USF),  among others.

KICTANet has in the past year been implementing various initiatives to promote digital accessibility, including the integration of concerns of PWDs into their national and global ICT policies. Further, research from KICTANet includes a study on the Accessibility of Kenya Government Websites to Persons with Disabilities and a Baseline study on assessing the barriers to ICT for Persons with Disabilities in Kenya. The studies call for sustainable solutions for ensuring accessibility, including breaking societal stereotypes towards persons with disabilities using digital platforms, capacity building, and advocacy within the internet and other stakeholders in the access to information platforms such as ISPs, developers, and regulators. This workshop builds on the existing work of KICTANet and aligns with the mandate of the CA in promoting an inclusive digital ecosystem and an accessibility culture in the ICT sector. 

Objectives of the Training Workshop

  1. To increase awareness of persons with disability and key stakeholders in Kenya on digital accessibility and online safety; and
  2. To Identify appropriate regulatory interventions to accelerate ICT accessibility for PWDs.

Topics to be Covered During the Workshop

  1. Overview of digital accessibility, policies, challenges, principles, and best practices from both international and local perspectives.
  2. Online safety and trends in online gender-based violence (OGBV), cyber hygiene, and privacy and data protection.
  3. Advocacy for digital accessibility – Community Networks and Assistive technologies

Expected Outcome

  1. Increased awareness of persons with disability and key stakeholders in Kenya on digital accessibility and online safety.
  2. Documented group discussions and recommendations 

 Format of the Event

The event shall be a five-day hybrid training workshop, with each day dedicated to each of the three topics of the training. The event shall be officially launched with a keynote speech from the Authority followed by expert presentations, group work and question and answer sessions. Two speakers, Ricardo Garcia Bahamonde and Sabine Lobnig will be presenting virtually. A pre-and post-training assessment and evaluations will also be conducted. 


The participants will include relevant local actors drawn from OPDs, government agencies and departments, the private sector, the technical community, academia, media, development partners, civil society, and individuals with disabilities within the ICT sector. The event will be open to a larger audience through online participation, while the physical attendants will be invite-only capped at 50 pax. 


To ensure full and active participation of persons with disabilities in the workshop, we shall ensure that the workshop venue is accessible to all, and provide reasonable accommodations including sign language translators both online and offline, audio descriptions, and closed captions where necessary.


The Internet and Disability: A Focus on Digital Inclusion

Date: 27th to 31st May 2024


DAY 1: Introduction to Digital Inclusion

27th May 2024


Time Session Facilitators
08:00–08:15 am Arrival and Registration KICTANet
08:15–08:45 am Welcome and Introductions Victor Kapiyo, KICTANet
08:45–09:00 am Objective and Overview of Training Session Representative, KICTANet
09:00–09:30 am Keynote Speech 

Communications Authority of Kenya 

Representative, CA
Photo Session
9:30:00–10:00 am TEA BREAK
10:00–10:20 am Consumer Protection, Education, and Empowerment Representative, CA
10:20–11:20 am EU Regulatory Frameworks as a Key Driver for Digital Accessibility Policies: Gaps and Opportunities. Ricardo Garcia Bahamonde, Atos
11:20 am – 12:20 pm Over 100 accessibility features in my device – how to find them, how to use them, and what’s next? Sabine Lobnig, Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF)
12:20 pm  – 1:00 pm Plenary
  • ITU
  • CA 
01:00–02:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK
02:00–02:45 pm Internet as a Tool of Empowerment John Walubengo, MMU 
02:45–03:30 pm Digital Inclusion for PWDs: Perspectives from the Communications Authority Representative, CA
03:30–4:30 pm Evaluation Forms & Closing Remarks KICTANet
04:30–5:00 pm TEA BREAK/END OF DAY 1


Day 2: Advancing Inclusive Internet Governance and Accessibility 

28th May 2024


Time Session Facilitators
08:00–08:15 am Arrival and Registration KICTANet
08:15 –09:00 am Recap of the previous day Nicodemus Nyakundi, KICTANet
09:00 –09:45 am Introduction to Multistakeholder Internet Governance  Barack Otieno, KICTANet
09:45–10:00 am Plenary: Q&A KICTANet
10:00–10:20 am TEA BREAK
10:20 –11:20 am Inclusive Internet Governance  Judy Okite, Founder, Association for Accessibility and Equality
11:20 –12:20 pm Unlocking the Internet: Assistive Technology Samson Waweru, Kenya Society for the Blind 
12:20 –1:00 pm  Plenary KICTANet
1:00–2:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK
2:00–2:45 pm Web Standards and Access to Information. Kenya Case Study Nicodemus Nyakundi and Florence Ouma
2:45 – 3:30 pm Group Work: Identifying Areas of Collaboration on ICT Access for PWDs. All Participants
3:30 – 4:15 pm Group Work presentations KICTANet
4:15–4:45 pm End-of-Day Evaluation KICTANet
4:45 pm – 5:00 pm TEA BREAK/END OF DAY 2

DAY 3: Cyber Hygiene

29th May 2024


Time Session Facilitators
08:00–08:30 am Arrival and Registration KICTANet
08:30–09:15 am Recap of the previous Day Florence Ouma, KICTANet
09:15–10:00 am Introduction to Cyber HygieneCybersecurity  Mwendwa KivuvaRepresentative, CA KE-CIRT
10:00 – 10:20 am TEA BREAK
10:20–11:05 am Cyber Hygiene for Device, Software, and ConnectivityIntroduction to Cyber Hygiene Jacinta Wothaya, Tatua Digital Resilience CentreMwendwa Kivuva
11:05 –12:2045 pm Plenary SessionCyber Hygiene for Device, Software, and Connectivity TatuaJacinta Wothaya, Tatua Digital Resilience Centre
12:2045–01:00 pm  Practical Activity: Cyber Hygiene Jacinta Wothaya, Tatua Digital Resilience Centre
01:00 – 02:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK
02:00–02:45 pm Cybersecurity  Francis Sitati: Representative, CA KE-CIRT
02:45–03:30 pm Communication Authority’s work in Cyber Hygiene Representative, CA
03:30–04:30 pm Presentation of Participant Feedback and Recommendations) All Participants
04:30–4:45 pm End-of-Day Evaluation KICTANet

Day 4: Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV)

30th May 2024


Time Session Facilitators
08:30–9:00 am Arrival and Registration KICTANet
09:00–9:15 am Recap of the previous day Nicodemus Nyakundi, KICTANet
09:15–10:00 am Overview of Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV)  Cherie Oyier, KICTANet
10:00–10:20 am TEA BREAK
10:20–11:05 am Legal Frameworks on OGBV Waceera Kabando


11:05 –12:45 pm  Groups and Roles highlights

  • Reported cases of OGBV
  • Challenges to address
Linda Gichohi, KICTANet
01:00–02:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK
02:00–02:45 pm Highlights on KICTANet work on OGBV Cherie Oyier, KICTANet
02:45–03:15 pm How to Report OGBV on Online Platforms Jacinta Wothaya, KICTANet
03:15–04:00 pm De-Brief Session (Psychosocial Support) Albert Migowa
03:30 -4:30 pm End-of-Day Evaluation KICTANet
04:30 –5:00 pm TEA BREAK/END OF DAY 4


Day 5: Data Protection

31st May 2024


Time Session Facilitators
08:30–09:00 am Arrival and Registration KICTANet
09:00–9:15 am Recap of the previous day KICTANet
09:15–10:00 am Overview of Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Sphere Victor Kapiyo
10:00–10:20 am TEA BREAK
10:20–11:05 am Presentation – CA  Caroline Murianki, CA 
11:05–12:45 pm Data Protection, Legal Frameworks on ICT Access for PWDs (Privacy, Consent, Security) Linda Gichohi 
12:45–01:00 pm  Plenary KICTANet, CA
01:00–02:00 pm  LUNCH BREAK
02:00–02:45 pm Privacy Check-up Jacinta Wothaya, KICTANet
02:45–03:15 pm Workshop Closing: Collaborations and Partnerships CA and KICTANet
03:15–3:45 pm End-of-Day Evaluation KICTANet


About the Organizers

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a non-profit organisation, which acts as a multi-stakeholder platform for ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet’s guiding philosophy encourages synergies for ICT policy-related activities and initiatives. The network provides mechanisms and a framework for continuing cooperation and collaboration in ICT matters among industry, technical community, academia, media, development partners, and Government.


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