January 17, 2024
Story 1: Navigating the Digital Battlefield: Wanjiku Thiga’s Experience in Kenya’s 2022 General Election
By Maryanne W. Waweru Wanjiku Thiga, 32, is a communications and development consultant who vied for the Member of County Assembly (MCA) seat in Theta Ward, Juja Constituency, Kiambu County, Gender, Highlights, kictanet post
January 16, 2024
Bridging the Gender Gap in Cybersecurity: An Afro-Feminist Perspective
By Cherie Oyier Yes, cybersecurity is gendered, just like so many other aspects of life! While the gender aspect has been dismissed and ignored in cybersecurity discussions for a long Gender, Highlights, kictanet post
January 15, 2024
Kenya’s ICT trends for 2024: AI, Cybersecurity, Crypto
By John Walubengo Further to the 2023 ICT year review blog, we now cast our eyes on the future and try to figure out how AI developments, cybersecurity threats, data privacy, Digital Economy, Highlights, kictanet post
January 1, 2024
2023 ICT Year in Review: AI, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain Trends
By John Walubengo The 2023 ICT year has been a whirlwind of innovation and disruption in the global ICT landscape. From groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence and virtual reality to Cyber Security, Digital Economy, Highlights, kictanet post
December 21, 2023
Haki na Sheria Initiative challenges Maisha Namba in court
A petition has been filed at the High Court of Kenya, seeking to stop the implementation of the Maisha Namba Digital Identity Ecosystem, a new system of identification for Kenyan Digital Economy, Human Rights
December 14, 2023
KICTANet Annual Report 2022: Building a Platform for People-Centered ICT Development
KICTANet, a multi-stakeholder platform for ICT policy and regulation, celebrates its 17th year as Kenya’s leading voice for inclusive and human-centric technology. Born from a loose network of passionate individuals, Highlights, kictanet post
December 13, 2023
Advancing the Fight Against Technology-Facilitated Violence in Kenya
By Linda Gichohi In a recent event organized by Equality Now to address tech-facilitated sexual exploitation and abuse, KICTANet played a crucial role in shaping the future of combating technology-facilitated Gender, Highlights, kictanet post
December 10, 2023
KICTANet Commemorates International Human Rights Day: Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All in the Digital Age
Today, 10 December 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which is commemorated globally as the International Human Rights Day. The theme this year Highlights, Human Rights, kictanet post