March 10, 2023
Gender Equality Technology
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a reminder of women’s tenacity, obstacles, and accomplishments, as well as a great chance to envisage and strive for a gender-equal and inclusive future. The Gender, GIZ women, Highlights, kictanet post
March 8, 2023
International Women’s Day: Working Together to Influence and Shape Policy
By Neema Mujesia Globally, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a reminder of women’s grit, challenges, and achievements and an excellent opportunity to imagine and work toward a gender-equal and inclusive world. Gender, Highlights, kictanet post
March 8, 2023
AI Driven Profiling Is More Pervasive Than We Think.
By John Walubengo Last month the Governor of Kisumu County issued a protest tweet and letter to one of the local airlines plying the Nairobi-Kisumu route. He told them they were overcharging, Access, Digital Economy, Highlights, Human Rights, kictanet post, Privacy
March 5, 2023
Diversity in Telecoms Policy and Regulation Advocacy Spaces
By Josephine Miliza Women have historically been underrepresented in the telecommunications policy and regulation spaces, but there has been a recent push to increase diversity and representation in these fields. Community Networks, Highlights, kictanet post
March 5, 2023
The Future Of Work For Women Journalists and Social Communicators
By Neema Mujesia In journalism, technology has always been a transformative force. Major technological innovations, such as the production of mobile, immersive, and data stories, have restructured work processes and reshaped Gender, Highlights, kictanet post
March 3, 2023
Smart Devices and the Environment: Tips for Saving Energy
According to Deloitte estimates based on industry data, a smartphone generates an average of 8 kilograms of emissions from usage during its working life. Also, ninety-five per cent of this Access to information, Highlights, kictanet post
March 3, 2023
On World Hearing Day, AI Hear You
On March 3rd, the world celebrates World Hearing Day, an annual event to raise awareness and promote ear and hearing health. In Kenya, some hospitals and local governments provide free Highlights
March 2, 2023
Digital Taxation – Is It a Double-Edged Sword?
By John Walubengo The rise of digital platforms has had profound implications for taxation policy and its implementation across many industries, especially the ICT industry. Traditionally, corporation taxes have been Digital Economy, Highlights, kictanet post
February 28, 2023
Capacity Building as a Sustainability Strategy for Community Networks
By Josephine Miliza Capacity building is critical to the sustainability of a community network for several reasons. First, by building the technical skills of community network operators, they are better Access, Community Networks
February 22, 2023
Universal Service Funds as a Financing Mechanism for Community Networks in Kenya
By Josephine Miliza In the COVID-19 era, community networks are increasingly important in meeting the rising demand for affordable connectivity. In Kenya, where community networks are growing in size and Community Networks, Highlights, kictanet post
February 22, 2023
The Darkside of Artificial Intelligence
By John Walubengo Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been getting positive reviews since that AI-driven ChatGPT robot hit the headlines. But very rarely do we hear about the dark side of Access, Cyber Security, Highlights, kictanet post
February 17, 2023
Digital Era: Dating for Persons with Disabilities
By Florence Awino and Judy Okite One of the best things to come out of the internet is the ability to connect with other people. We have never needed this Accessibility, Highlights