October 22, 2020

Zenzeleni- A community owned and operated ISP.

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This is part of our series of blogs on Community Networks. Zenzeleni was set up in 2012 by two friends, a University of the Western Cape (UWC) doctoral student; Carlos Rey
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September 3, 2020

ICTs at Crawling Stage in Counties, Study Reveals

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By Kelvin Kariuki. A recent study conducted by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) in collaboration with the ICT Authority (ICTA) that focused on the adoption and maturity levels of
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Pamoja Net community members at work
August 19, 2020

Pamoja Net – Community Network with GSM telephony

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This is part of our series of blogs on Community Networks. Ensemble Pour la Différence (now La Différence) started in 2014 in response to the lack of a social business incubator
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BOSCO Uganda
July 31, 2020

BOSCO Uganda, connecting communities through solar

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This is part of our series of blogs on Community Networks. Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach (BOSCO) Uganda is a faith-based private, not for profit organization under the Archdiocese
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July 29, 2020

When my plus size photo became a meme

If I died today, I would probably have a pretty long eulogy with no pictures of my childhood, teenage life, or even my youth to back it up. Does a
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July 22, 2020

Online Violence. Victim Tells it all

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By Jeridah Adayi. My sister called me and went like, you what have you done on Facebook?”  Not suspecting anything unusual, I answered casually with a chuckle, “Now what? I
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Photo by Milad B. Fakurian on Unsplash
July 22, 2020

Kenya’s burden – the effects of digital taxes on smes

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By Mwenda Tevin Gitonga.  If there is an African country that prides itself as being the centre of innovation and technological developments in Africa, it is Kenya. We have come
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Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash
July 6, 2020

Online Bullying still on the rise

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By Catherine Amayi, If you think that online bullying is a preserve of the rich and famous and that the average internet user is immune to cyberbullying, you better think
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Online Violence
May 29, 2020

Online violence in times of Covid-19

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By Cecilia Maundu As the world struggles with the issue of Covid-19 most people have been forced to work from home. This has in turn seen a lot of people
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April 29, 2020

Kenya: Much more is required to achieve digital rights.

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by Grace Mutung’u. In 2019, Kenya underwent its third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). UPR is a UN mechanism through which countries are analysed for their human rights
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Tesla model 3 dashboard
April 17, 2020

Software Runs My Car, and the license just expired

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by Mwenda Tevin Gitonga and Mwangi Michael Mbuthia. The vehicle of your dreams has finally arrived and you cannot wait to take it out on the road. It’s second hand
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April 8, 2020

The Resilience of Kenya’s Internet Freedoms During covid-19 Pandemic

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Kenya recorded the first case of Coronavirus infection on 12th March. Since then, the numbers have continued to grow with a total of 103 infections and 3 fatalities as at
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