October 19, 2021
My #KeSIG2021 Experience – A Cheat Sheet for Future Students
By Cherie Oyier. Earlier this year 2021, I read a book by Austin Kleon titled, “Show Your Work.†It is a tiny book that I think everyone should read. Anyway, Highlights, KeSIG, kictanet post
October 18, 2021
Why Parliament must not pass the anti-pornography bill
By Winfred Gakii. Early 2021, Garissa Township MP Aden Duale tabled a bill to criminalize pornography. The Computer Misuse and Cybercrime (Amendment) Bill, 2021 was gazetted on 16th April 2021 Freedom of Expression, Highlights, Human Rights, KeSIG
September 24, 2021
What are the key highlights of the 14th Kenya Internet Governance Forum?
The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTanet) has successfully concluded the 14th edition of the Kenya Internet Governance Forum, also #KeIGF2021. Hosted in a hybrid fashion – the forum was themed; Access, Highlights, IGF Reports, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
September 24, 2021
Kenya IGF 2021 Summary Report
Blog by June Okal. Hybrid Forum held on 23 September 2021 The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is an open and inclusive multi-stakeholder forum where public policy issues related to key Highlights, IGF Reports, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
September 24, 2021
Exclusivity, Universal access, and meaningful connectivity. Is Kenya achieving it?
Kenya just concluded the Kenya Internet Governance Forum, KeIGF2021 took a dive into what it takes to achieve a united internet locally as globally and what could possibly hinder this. Access, Highlights, IGF Reports, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
September 22, 2021
New voices at Kenya School of Internet Governance 2021
The Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG)Â is the premier training platform to grow new voices in the internet governance space in Kenya and also serves the larger African continent. Highlights, KeSIG, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
August 26, 2021
Internet United : Kenya IGF 2021
The Kenya IGF will be held a hybrid event held on 23rd September 2021 during the IGF week that takes of 20th to 23rd. The program for the 2021 IGF Highlights, KeSIG, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
August 12, 2021
Call for applications for the sixth Kenya School of Internet Governance
KICTANet welcomes applications for fellows for the 6th Edition of the Kenya School of Internet Governance (KeSIG). KeSIG takes place prior to the Kenya IGF, with the aim of introducing beginners Highlights, KeSIG, kictanet post
July 30, 2021
Unseen eyes, unheard stories: experiences of COVID-19 surveillance in Kenya and Uganda
In April 2021, ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), and Pollicy published this report and documentaries that reviews the national legal frameworks and practices that have Highlights, Human Rights
July 2, 2021
The Digital Market Economy: Influence of Governance on the Digital Ecosystem in Kenya Round Table
By Mwenda Tevin. On June 30, 2021 KICTANET together with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) held a policy roundtable with Policy Makers and ICT Practitioners to discuss the theme: The Digital Highlights, kictanet post
June 14, 2021
Highlights of the Proposed 2021-2022 Kenyan Budget on the Technology Sector
On 10th June 2021, the Kenyan Treasury Cabinet Secretary Mr. Ukur Yatani read the budget for 2021/2022. The theme of this year’s budget is “Building back better with the aims Highlights, kictanet post
May 22, 2021
Proposal for a new license for community networks in Kenya
KICTANet was together with our partners formulated a Licensing and Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks for Kenya. Â The Communications Authority of Kenya has invited comments from all stakeholders, including Community Networks, Highlights, kictanet post