May 7, 2021
Opting Out Mechanisms: A Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Case Study
By Tevin Mwenda P Cloud Report A study was done by P Cloud on which applications share most of your data with third parties for marketing purposes. The study was Highlights, kictanet post
April 16, 2021
Unseen Eyes, Unheard Stories: Surveillance, Data Protection and Freedom of Expression in Kenya and Uganda During COVID-19
ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa (EA), the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) and Pollicy would like to invite you to a virtual webinar on ‘Surveillance, Data Protection and Freedom of Expression Highlights, Human Rights, kictanet post
April 14, 2021
A safer web for women comic strip
By RIva Jalipa. This is a background to the “safer web for Women comic strip” that was produced by KICTANet. Most women will attest to being sexualised long before they Highlights, Human Rights, kictanet post
February 18, 2021
The Potential for Electric Vehicles in Africa: A Kenyan Case Study
By Tevin Mwenda. In 2020 a short video went round on social media showing a Tesla Model Y the first-ever of its kind to be spotted in Kenya. The question Highlights, kictanet post
January 27, 2021
COVID-19 Has Affirmed that the Internet Is Indeed A Human Right
By Egline Samoei. “The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us clearly that the Internet is no longer a luxury, a convenient enhancement for lifestyles for those who can afford it. Rather, Highlights, kictanet post
December 31, 2020
My reflection on Kenya School of Internet Governance and working in Post Covid19 era
By Peter Mmbando, KeSIG and KeIGF Fellow 2020, from Tanzania. As the year 2020 draws to close and we prepare to welcome the year 2021, I share my reflections on Highlights, IGF Reports, kictanet post
November 12, 2020
Assessing internet development in Kenya: using UNESCO’s Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators
Over three years, UNESCO has developed a framework of Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators, using a global, open, inclusive and multistakeholder process that tapped the world’s wisdom. The result is a Access, Highlights, kictanet post
November 12, 2020
My First Virtual School Experience at KeSIG
By Rebeccah Wambui. The insistent message to “do something meaningful with your time†during the unprecedented, at least in our generation, the covid-19 pandemic period had taken its toll on Highlights, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
October 27, 2020
Kenya IGF Week 2020
KICTANet together with partners Safaricom, Facebook, APC, KHRC, Communications Authority of Kenya, CIO, and KeNIC is holding the first virtual Kenya IGF on 29th October 2020. The Kenya IGF is Highlights, kictanet post, KIGF ONLINE
October 22, 2020
Zenzeleni- A community owned and operated ISP.
This is part of our series of blogs on Community Networks. Zenzeleni was set up in 2012 by two friends, a University of the Western Cape (UWC) doctoral student; Carlos Rey Community Networks, Highlights, kictanet post
September 3, 2020
ICTs at Crawling Stage in Counties, Study Reveals
By Kelvin Kariuki. A recent study conducted by the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) in collaboration with the ICT Authority (ICTA) that focused on the adoption and maturity levels of Highlights, kictanet post
August 19, 2020
Pamoja Net – Community Network with GSM telephony
This is part of our series of blogs on Community Networks. Ensemble Pour la Différence (now La Différence) started in 2014 in response to the lack of a social business incubator Community Networks, Highlights, kictanet post