I think this is an important next step for competition in platform
economies. This is happening in places like Australia, UK, Mexico, and
would have been the case if there wasn’t that 30 day exemption in the data
portability language of the Data Protection Act.
I wrote about this last year with some speculation on how these models
could be applied for financial services in Kenya and a few other markets:
Happy to discuss further if ever of interest
On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 4:10 AM John Kieti via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> Just a random thought. What if the law entitled users to a periodic (eg.
> quarterly) download of all data collected of them by large platform
> companies (including telcos); and the users could grant file access to the
> competitors as the user migrates? What if it was API-based data access that
> the user could grant to third parties including competitors?
> What if there was an automated data depository eg. for telcos; whereby I
> can invoke the right to access all the data the telco holds of me, and I
> proceed to grant the data depository access to my data, automatically
> retrieved from my telco A. That way my data *anonymized or otherwise
> permitted* can be accessible from the depository and aggregated with
> other peoples’ to develop services on top of the data layer by third
> parties such as startups, data mining & research services, and even telco B
> which competes as an underdog with telco A.
> The assumption would be that the user owns the data held by the
> platform/telco which has already got its head start with appropriating my
> data by collecting it in realtime. It would also be assumed that access to
> my data in the depository is only by licensed entities under stringent
> rules that respect my access permission settings.
> What could go wrong with such an approach to user data? What could go well?
> Any thoughts?
> —
> John Kieti
> Phone: +254-735-764242 // +254-722-764242
> Twitter: @johnKieti
> Blog: <> // LinkedIn:
>*kieti* <>
> The ordinary just won’t do
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