Save the Date: Africa Tech Policy Summit, May 12-16, 2025, Nairobi.

KICTANet will host the inaugural Africa Tech Policy Summit (AfTPS), bringing together policymakers, private sector leaders, academia, civil society, and tech startups. The summit aims to promote the harmonization of tech policies across Africa to foster technological development across the continent. It will focus on aligning regional, continental, and national efforts to create policies and incentives for emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, to drive societal transformation in Africa. 

Online Gender-Based Violence Tracker

Online gender-based violence (OGBV) is on the rise across the world. Much of OGBV reports and research focuses on high visibility individuals- such as politicians, journalists and human rights defenders- however, OGBV affects ordinary day-to-day users of the Internet as well.

This OGBV tracker has been created by KICTANet to document incidences of OGBV across Africa to track prevalence. Data from this tracker will be used to advocate for policies to combat OGBV at national and regional levels.  KICTANet shall publish a quarterly report on the status of the tracker.

Strengthening Digital Communities FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions on the ongoing Community Digital Champion Training – focusing on Gender, Equity and Social Inclusion around digital inclusion for all. It aligns with the Kenya Kwanza ambitious Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) enabled by the Government Transformational Digital Agenda (GoTDA) aka “Digital Superhighway” to grow the digital economy and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. It also contributes to the achievement of Kenya’s National Digital Master Plan 2022-2032.

Tatua Support Keep Your Money Safe Online

In this comic, Tatua support takes us through steps for How to keep your money safe online.

Become a Digital Enquirer

Boost your knowledge and learn new ways to shape a safer online information space.

Complete the Digital Enquirer Kit, a free e-learning guide that empowers you with fact-seeking superpowers.


Tune in to KBC Channel1 and watch Take on Tech –  a program that brings you contemporary issues on ICTs in Kenya. Let us simplify tech for all.


Achievement of the Network over the Years


Thought Leadership Forums

Persons trained

Policy Interventions

Conversations in KICTANET listserv

Active listers contributing often

Different conversation threads

Impressions on ICT policy discussions

Our Pillars

KICTANet’s organisational strategy:

Policy Advocacy

We bring stakeholders together to discuss on the best policy alternatives and also monitor the progress of policy development processes.

Capacity building

To ensure continuity and diversity in the policy development, we bring in new voices in the different stakeholder backgrounds through training and events.


Our policy advocacy and capacity building are supported by evidence based research through an established working group on both current and emerging issues.

Stakeholder engagement

We facilitate stakeholder engagement through collaborative initiatives in face-to-face Town Hall meetings, and in the KICTANet?s interactive mailing list where multiple stakeholders engage regularly on ICT policy issues.

Featured publications

Reports, Manuals etc

Featured publications

Reports, Manuals etc
KICTANet 2022 Annual Report
Licensing Framework for Community Networks
Kenya Policy Brief on Internet Shutdowns
Kenya IGF Report 2023
KICTANet Quarterly Spotlight Report January - March 2023