Senators seek to have Tik Tok, other social media sites regulated in Kenya

Good to read this… In other words scrutinize all apps irrelevant of country of origin. Focus on technical security/privacy issues. Ideally in line with the national regulations and not just randomly.

…the Senate has asked the Standing Committee on Information and Technology to look into strategies that will protect Kenyans from the security “loopholes” of Tik Tok. “The same issue also includes other applications such as Facebook, Twitter and others… But let’s not let this be another way of seeing a trade war like that witnessed between iPhone and Huawei in the United States,” said Senator Mwaura.


From:David Indeje via kictanet <[email protected]>
To:Adam Lane <[email protected]>
Cc:David Indeje <[email protected]>

Subject:[kictanet] Senators seek to have Tik Tok, other social media sites regulated in Kenya


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David Indeje

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