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Webinar: Unmasking the Trolls – OGBV Research in Kenya

KICTANet and APC Our Voices, Our Future (OVOF) Series

“Unmasking the Trolls: Research on Online-Gender-Based Violence in Kenya”

Date: December 4, 2023, 1000–1100 hours

Platform: Zoom-Must register


The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), in partnership with the Association for Progressive Communication (APC), is pleased to host a webinar titled “Unmasking the Trolls: Research on Online-Gender Based Violence in Kenya,” which will take place on December 4, 2023, via Zoom.


Online gender-based violence (OGBV) is on the rise across the world. Much of OGBV research focuses on high-visibility individuals, such as journalists and politicians, but OGBV also affects traditionally marginalised communities, such as persons with disabilities (PWDs) and LGBTQIA+ people. The digital landscape has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives, offering opportunities for connection, expression, and empowerment

KICTANet conducted a study seeking to establish the nature and prevalence of OGBV in rural and urban Kenya, its impact, and the effectiveness of the available legal and regulatory framework in the country. The findings of this study which are the subject of this webinar are drawn from the responses from survey and focus group members in Kakamega, Kisumu, Machakos, Mombasa, and Nairobi. 

Objectives of the Webinar

The objective of this webinar is to:

  1. Analyze the various forms of OGBV and the impact on minority groups such as women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community and persons with disabilities (PWDs);
  2. Examine the existing legal and policy framework in Kenya, identify policy gaps and propose policy recommendations to tackle OGBV.
  3. Highlight empowerment and advocacy strategies to combat OGBV.

Expected Outcomes 

  1. Enhanced awareness about the prevalence and impact of OGBV in Kenya ;
  2. Generate recommendations to strengthen the legal and policy framework relating to OGBV; and 
  3. Provide practical strategies to protect internet users against OGBV

Expected Output

It is expected that this webinar will result in an article and blog post outlining the key issues arising from the discussions and proposing recommendations to various stakeholders moving forward. 


The participants will include actors drawn from the government, private sector, technical community, academia, media, development partners, civil society, the general public, and other non-governmental actors. 

Format of the Webinar

The format of this webinar shall include a presentation, a panel discussion, and a question-and-answer session. 

About the Organizers

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet) is a non-profit organization that acts as a multi-stakeholder platform for ICT policy and regulation. KICTANet’s guiding philosophy encourages synergies for ICT policy-related activities and initiatives. As such, the network provides mechanisms and a framework for continuing cooperation and collaboration in ICT matters among industry, the technical community, academia, the media, development partners, and the government.


Time  Session Title  Session Lead/ Presenters/Moderators
10:00-10:05 am Panel Introductions Linda Gichohi-Moderator
10:05-10:15 am Presentation of research findings Cherie Oyier
10:15-10: 45 am Panel Discussion Linda Gichohi- Moderator

Cherie Oyier – Panellist

Angela Minayo- Panellist 

Mohamed Kimbugwe – Panellist 

10:45-10:55 am Q&A session Cherie, Angela, and Linda
10:55-11:00 am Next steps and closing Linda Gichohi

