What should happen to personal data when someone dies?

Hello Bomu.
Privacy, Consent and the Right to be forgotten. Personally, I would like
my data kept private unless I have given express permission in my will for
it to be accessed by a particular person or there is sufficient reason to
believe that access to the data would enhance some legal process. I would
further like the data to be held for a maximum of a decade after I am gone
after which it should be deleted. I would prefer if this was within the law
and not wait for interpretation.

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 3:10 AM Grace Bomu via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> Listers,
> As we continue to discuss the data protection bill, an issue that has come
> up and is not captured in the proposed laws is the issue of legacy.
> For example, a viral clipping in social media has a newspaper report
> stating that a woman who was recently murdered was HIV positive. Normally,
> HIV status is sensitive personal information that would not be disclosed.
> Which begs the question, what should happen to personal data on the death
> of a person? Should we treat data as property that is transferred during
> succession or should anyone with a legitimate interest be able to access
> it? Should data processors/controllers have to delete such data?
> Is this something that should be addressed in the proposed law or should
> we wait for judicial interpretation?
> —
> Grace Mutung’u
> Skype: gracebomu
> @Bomu
> PGP ID : 0x33A3450F
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