When lectures go online, who gets to keep the copyright?


The reservations paused by teaching staff in universities brings a whole
new perspective to recorded lectures.

I once had a meeting with the former VC of Virtual University of Uganda –
Prof Michele Lejeune, and 2 things that he said to me still ring in my head
to date:-
1. If a lecturer’s course content remains static for 2 semesters then he /
she has no business teaching that unit. Education is dynamic, you cannot
use the same content year in year out!
2. Lectures MUST allocate a LIVE SESSION every week to discuss with
students (mandatory to attend) the content that was to be covered that week.

Taking ONLY these 2 points into consideration, it would be foolhardy for
any learning institution to feel that it can replace student – teacher
interaction with recorded lectures.

Having said that, I think the lecturer and universities have to put the
student first as he / she is the reason behind the existence of the
institution and the creation of the teaching job. However, universities
need to be sensitive to teachers’ rights.

My 2 cents 😊


On Fri, Aug 21, 2020, 8:51 AM David Indeje via kictanet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> For reflection in the new norm.
> www.theverge.com/21373669/recorded-lecture-capture-copyright-universities-coronavirus-fears?s=08
> *Kind Regards,*
> *David Indeje *
> +254 (0) 711 385 945 | +254 (0) 734 024 856
> Website: Khusoko <khusoko.com/>
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